
Menopause & Makeup


Peri-menopause and menopause are an inevitable part of growing older for women. They affect us both physically and mentally in different ways, and no one woman’s experience is the same as another.

Symptoms include:

  • Irregular or absence of periods
  • Problems sleeping
  • Weight gain
  • Hot flushes
  • Anxiety
  • Changes in mood
  • Skin dryness

Of course, there are many other symptoms that women experience from dizziness to joint pain, but the above are some of the most common ones.

I have just turned 50 and have noticed a definite shift in the way I feel in the last few years. My children are growing up and don’t need me as much anymore, my body feels different, and when I look at myself in the mirror I sometimes almost don’t recognise myself – and not necessarily in a good way. Sometimes I feel a little lost – where do I fit? Am I invisible? Who am I? Now, I know that perimenopause and menopause play a role in these feelings. The question is, what can I do to help manage the physical and emotional toll of menopause?

There are several things we can do: exercise regularly, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, eat foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and phytoestrogens, maintain a healthy weight, and drink plenty of water.

I try and do these things and lead a generally healthy life (albeit with a few chocolate lapses and maybe a glass or two of wine). I also know that when I look good, I feel better, and this is where beautiful makeup comes in.

When we created Rageism, Paula and I wanted to ensure that we included ingredients in our products that considered the changing needs of our perimenopausal and menopausal skin. For example, we have included pomegranate oil and sea buckthorn in our primer, which contain phytoestrogens and alleviates skin dryness. We also include evening primrose, rosehip, and lavender in our Glow Oil which are known to assist in relieving menopausal symptoms and combined with the other oils, promote valuable hydration.

Wearing makeup is about feeling confident and good about yourself. As we age, one of the first things we lose is our confidence and menopause can amplify this. Rageism wants to give that back to you. When I wear makeup, I feel stronger and braver, I look good, so I feel better. I know that wearing makeup doesn’t mean the hard things go away, but if I have a bit more courage facing them, then I’ll take it!

We support older women, we listen to older women, and we know you are forever beautiful.

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